Saturday, February 16, 2013

Before you slam my "cockiness"...

     Usually, there is only so much I want to say in a single posting.  The posting where I listed all the jobs I've ever had is likely to be the most lengthy of them all here in this blog.  Likely, I have been, and always will be, abrupt.  My intents here are to 1) keep my postings short and simple, and 2) to just put myself out there and see what happens.  

     Remember, employers (as far as I can tell) are in positions of power. Applicants are at their mercy.  Applicants are the nervous ones.  They are the ones who have to come to you.  Generally, they have come to YOUR office.  They have to call you.  They are the ones standing in line.  They are the ones who need the money.  Some of them can barely (if at all) afford the suit, tie, dress shoes, and computer they've felt compelled to use while searching and searching.  Some, I'm afraid to say, might even barely (if at all) have an address not to mention phone service (which, as you know, requires monthly payments or else).  They are the ones trying to figure out what you want so they can "make a good first impression."  They are the ones who, after going through all that, must wait and even face disappointments. I'm not saying that the positions of power equate to cockiness.  I understand that employers are looking for certain elements, have only so much to offer, and they have to be concerned about making good on their investments.  Still, with this blog, I'm kinda turning the tables and saying "you come to me," "you stand in line," "you have some conversations with me and tell me why you think we'd make a good mix working together."  

     Certainly, if you're not interested, then it may serve us both well that we both simply continue on in our own directions.  But, if you found me before I found you, and if you found yourself thinking something like, "Hmmm!  This might work out good for both of us," then what are you waiting for?  Start a conversation with me and see where all this can lead.  Just don't send me a generic ("send us a resume") kind of message.  Be real with me, and I'll be real with you.